
Core Session 1: Why UDL is More Important than Ever

Una McGeough and Garrett Gilmer


The events of the past 2+ years have impacted instructors and students in ways that we are only just beginning to understand. These impacts have created new challenges for both instruction and learning and have exacerbated many of the challenges that existed prior to the pandemic. As a result, instructors have been left to find solutions on their own.

This session will begin with an overview of the landscape of student well-being both before the onset of the pandemic and since, with an emphasis on the ways that the multiple disruptions of this period have intensified many of these challenges. If you are working with a group, you can gather to reflect on the ways that your personal well-being has also been impacted by the pandemic, further complicating your ability to provide their ideal learning environments for students.

Building on your group discussions, you will identify instructional adaptations you implemented while teaching since Spring 2020 and hear about student experiences of the changes made. Together, we will examine the philosophical underpinnings of UDL and why applying these principles to course design can ultimately make these adaptations less labor-intensive. By examining different scenarios, you will learn how applying UDL principles can lead to more accessible and supportive learning environments for all students. This session lays the groundwork for the practical tools and strategies that will be explored in subsequent sessions.

Learning Objectives

  • Reflect on the current landscape of student well-being and mental health, at Northwestern and nationally, based on the exacerbation of several issues by the pandemic
  • Reflect on the impacts and challenges you have experienced as an instructor over the past couple of year
  • Explain how individual teaching and learning adaptations you made over the past couple of years could be enhanced and streamlined using a UDL framework
  • Understand how UDL can lead to more accessible and supportive learning environments


Read and view the following:

McMurtrie, B. (2022, April 29). A “Stunning” Level of Student Disconnection. Chronicle of Higher Education, 68(17), 12.

Jonathan Malesic. (May 17, 2022 Tuesday). My College Students Are Not OK; Guest Essay. The New York Times – International Edition.


Session Recording

Discussion Questions

  • What from the articles/videos resonated with you or was familiar from your own experiences?
  • What was the experience of teaching like, during any stage of the pandemic, as an instructor?
  • What else did you notice or experience?

Presentation Slides and Resources

Presentation Slides: Why UDL is More Important than Ever

Presentation Transcript: Why UDL is More Important than Ever (Word document)


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Addressing Evolving Needs with Universal Design for Learning Copyright © 2023 by Northwestern University UDL Practicum Faculty and Staff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.