
About this Resource

Northwestern University Practicum History

Addressing Evolving Needs with Universal Design for Learning is adapted from a practicum developed for Northwestern University instructors. During the pandemic, Northwestern staff began collaborating on learning opportunities for instructors related to timely topics. The first practicum, Foundations of Online Teaching was a success not only for its content, but the structure used to deliver the content and the collaboration across campus that was used to create and deliver the learning opportunity. The Universal Design for Learning Practicum is third practicum in a series that includes Foundations of Online Teaching and the Teaching Practicum.

The UDL Practicum was designed and delivered by a collaboration of units across Northwestern that include Northwestern IT, AccessibleNU, the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching, the Northwestern Libraries, the School of Professional Studies, Counseling and Psychological Services, and the Office of the Provost.

Universal Design for Learning was chosen as the topic for the third practicum based on the impact that the events of the previous several years have had on student mental health and their ability to learn effectively in the classroom. New challenges and expectations arose following a year of online learning during the pandemic. Reducing barriers to learning for all students is a priority. Implementing UDL in courses encourages instructors to rethink their approach to their lectures, course materials, and assessments to create the most impactful learning opportunities for all students. It is with this in mind that Addressing Evolving Needs with Universal Design for Learning was developed.

Practicum Structure

Northwestern practicums are structured as three week learning opportunities with three different methods of learning. Each week a topic is presented as the main topic under what is considered the core session. Participants are required to attend the core session. There are also several recommended sessions each week that are related to the core session, but optional for practicum participants. Practicum participants are also put into a cohort of instructors with similar UDL experience and meet once a week throughout the practicum to further discuss topics that interest that cohort. Finally, each participant has an opportunity to meet with a learning designer each week to discuss how to implement what they’ve learned in their individual courses.

Image Credits and Fair Use Statement

The cover image was created by Nicholas A. Tiemersma with illustrations from https://www.vecteezy.com/

Except where otherwise noted all third-party images and graphics are included on the basis of fair use.


Many thanks to Jasmine Thomasian for the many hours they spent editing and transcribing the session recordings.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Addressing Evolving Needs with Universal Design for Learning (NU edition) Copyright © 2023 by Northwestern University UDL Practicum Faculty and Staff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.