
Alternative Grading and Assessment Practices for UDL

Anna Luce; Lisa Del Torto; Veronica Berns; and Meaghan Fritz


What approaches to grading will increase equity in your classes, motivate your students, and encourage them to focus on learning (rather than “grade grubbing”)? This session will offer an introduction to ungrading, contract grading, and other equitable grading practices that align with Universal Design for Learning practices. You will be prompted to consider how these approaches can work for their courses. Individual follow-up consultations will be available if you want to implement an alternative grading framework in your course.



Session Recording

Presentation Slides and Resources

Presentation Slides: UDL Alternative Grading and Assessment

Presentation Transcript: UDL Alternative Grading and Assessment (Word document)

Grading and Evaluating Writing

General Chemistry Grading Tools

Alternative Grading Frameworks and Practices

Media Credits

Slide 1: “Piled Higher and Deeper by Jorge Cham” from www.phdcomics.com is included on the basis of fair use.

Slide 4: “Starring Role … Have you been good today?” by Pewari is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Slide 10: “Opportunities/Merit Ranking Chart” Where Does Grading Come From? Retrieved from https://asaobinoue.blogspot.com/2021/05/where-does-grading-come-from.html is included on the basis of fair use.

Slide 13: Image created by Lisa Del Torto.

Slide 21: Practice of grading illustration by George Wylesol, retrieved from https://www.educationnext.org/time-to-pull-plug-on-traditional-grading-supporters-say-mastery-based-grading-could-promote-equity/, is included on the basis of fair use.

Slide 25: Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash Slide 27: Photo by vnwayne fan on Unsplash


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Addressing Evolving Needs with Universal Design for Learning Copyright © 2023 by Northwestern University UDL Practicum Faculty and Staff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.