What Types of Feedback Can We Use to Assess and Promote Learning?
Meaghan Fritz; Kiki Zissimopoulos; and Lisa Del Torto
Session Lead Facilitator: Meaghan Fritz (Writing)
Session Co-Facilitators: Kiki Zissimopoulos (McCormick), Lisa Del Torto (Writing)
How do we take whatever grading scheme we have and take it to the next level through giving high-quality, actionable feedback on student work?
This session explores the role that feedback plays in systems of assessment. We will invite participants to individually reflect on how feedback fits into their current assessment practices, while also presenting a variety of approaches for utilizing feedback in ways that can foster more equitable assessment. We will examine feedback as an opportunity to engage with students more equitably through a continuum of learning, presenting feedback as a strategic triangle of approaches comprising peer-feedback, instructor feedback (both from instructor to student and student to instructor), and students’ own metacognitive self-feedback. Participants will have time to converse in small groups and with session facilitators on the differences between feedback and assessment in their different disciplines, the impact that implementing different kinds of feedback have or could have on their assessment practices and on their students’ overall learning, and strategies for incorporating feedback into a more equitable version of assessment in their classes.
By the end of this session, participants will better understand:
- The role of feedback in systems of assessment
- The impact that they want feedback to have on their students’ learning
- The larger impact of how they give feedback
Session recording
Slides and resources
- Slide deck
- Session Transcript (Word document)
- Kiki Zissimopoulos’ mid-quarter self-assessment and reflection (modified from Lisa)
- Kiki Zissimopoulos’ final self-assessment
- Lisa Del Torto’s sample assessment memo
- Lisa Del Torto’s sample community feedback and reflection (CFR) form
- Lisa Del Torto’s sample conference prep form
- Lisa Del Torto’s sample brief in-class peer review
- Lisa Del Torto & Meaghan Fritz’s module on equitable writing assessment for WCAS seminars
- Meaghan’s Weekly “Sunday Summary” Reflection Prompts, Eng 105: Transitioning to College Life
- Meaghan’s ILP Template, Eng 105: Transitioning to College Life FQ 2023
- Meaghan’s Final Self-Reflection and Assessment, Eng 105: Transitioning to College Life FQ 2023